Take a look at your own eyes. You’ll notice the skin around those eyes is thin, almost transparent. If the blood doesn’t have a nice, smooth flow around that area, how do you think that will affect it? The blood becomes visible—and voila, you’ve got dark circles.
How to Reduce Dark Circles and Under-the-Eye Bags with Facial Cupping

Written by
Sakina Di Pace
“You look tired.”
Sick of hearing people say that to you? As the old saying goes, “eyes are the window to the soul.” But if your eyes have dark circles or under-the-eye bags, what does that say about your soul?
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Fortunately, your soul might be doing just fine—it’s the skin underneath your eyes that makes you look so tired and worn out. But before I explain how facial cupping can help reduce under-the-eye bags, let’s talk about why eye bags exist in the first place.
What Causes Dark Circles?
👋 Hi, I’m Sakina

Learn how to get younger & brighter skin with my facial cupping starter kit.
If we combine the points of view of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medicine—and without mentioning genetics—we can talk about a few of the most popular ideas about why dark circles appear. These may be due to weakness in the Kidney meridian, blood stagnation around the eyes, and Vitamin K deficiency.
Potential cause: Weakness in the Kidney meridian
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), dark circles under the eyes are a sign of weakness in the Kidney meridian. Weakened Kidneys can be the result of over-exhaustion, a lack of relaxation in your life, or both. Stressed? Overworked? If so, these sensations can absolutely drain your Kidneys!
In TCM, the Kidney meridian governs your entire hormonal system. That affects melanin, a pigment that can affect your appearance.
As a result, unhealthy and weakened Kidneys can start a chain reaction that leaves poor pigmentation under the skin around your eyes.
Potential cause: Blood stagnation
But that may not be the only cause. You also have to consider blood stagnation. Blood stagnation is what results when blood isn’t flowing smoothly in specific parts of your body.
Potential cause: Vitamin deficiency
Vitamin K strengthens your veins and capillaries. It promotes healthy circulation. It’s essential for proper blood clotting.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It protects the skin against free radicals that cause many signs of aging, like thinning or wrinkling of the skin around that delicate under-eye area.
👋 Hi, I’m Sakina

Learn how to get younger & brighter skin with my facial cupping starter kit.
How to Reduce Dark Circles and Under-the-Eye Bags with Facial Cupping and Prickly Pear Seed Oil
If you’re tired and under-slept, that’s where you should start. But lack of sleep isn’t the only reason dark bags might appear under your eyes. To help get blood moving again, you might try Facial Cupping.
Facial Cupping on the facial skin is a more sensitive approach to stimulating blood flow. Rather than using large cups, you’ll use smaller cups that are more appropriate for the lighter skin arod the eyes. Using the suction of facial cupping, you’ll draw more blood to the intended area. This will restore everything that blood restores—better nutrition and circulation to those tough-to-stimulate places.
But that’s not all you can do. You should also include Prickly Pear Seed Oil with this treatment. Why? Prickly Pear Seed Oil is the oil with the highest amounts of Vitamins E and K on the market.
Sound familiar? Those are the exact vitamins you need to have if you’re going to reduce those under-the-eye bags.
Facial Cupping will help give your skin the physical stimulation it needs. For example, it will do the following:
With Gentle Flash Cupping (all you have to do is squeeze and release after 1 or 2 seconds!), you can start having results within weeks.

Think about it this way: cupping relaxes muscle tension and enhances blood flow. The Prickly Pear Seed Oil provides the nutrition it needs. Together, they work in harmony to restore nutrition, stimulation, and relaxation to the affected areas. This reduces the look of tiredness and replenishes what your skin needs to look its best.
How to Get Started with Facial Cupping
I’ve created a Facial Cupping Starter Kit.
In it, you’ll notice a set of very high quality flexible eco-friendly That set includes:
You’ll also receive 30ml of cold-pressed, Pure & 100% certified Organic Prickly Pear Seed Oil. This comes directly from a women’s cooperate in Morroco, so you know it’s well-sourced.

You’ll also receive 30ml of cold-pressed, Pure & 100% certified Organic Prickly Pear Seed Oil. This comes directly from a women’s cooperate in Morroco, so you know it’s well-sourced.
On top of that, you’ll also receive a complimentary training course so you know how to use it all! In that course, I’ll demonstrate how to perform Facial Cupping effectively.
Within just 30 minutes, you’ll be confident enough to use facial cups and oil to restore your under-eye bags.
No more looking “tired.”
Get used to looking inspired.

What my clients say

Natalie D.
My skin looks so much brighter. My dark circles have started to improve.

Emily A.
A real improvement on the 11s between the eyes and creases under my eyes smoothed out. Skin tone has improved.

Sara M.
It’s helping with my dark circles! Quicker than with anything else.